
The Group meets every other month, usually on the second Tuesday in St John’s Chapel at 8.00pm. Meetings are free to members. Visitors are welcome on payment of a two Pound entry fee. In addition to the St John’s meetings, the group organises walks and outings.

Upcoming Events

Westfest (23rd June) – we had a terrific stall which attracted a lot of attention

Our Talk Programme for 2024-25 is not yet finalised

Tuesday 10th September 2024

Our AGM followed by a talk, tba. 7:45pm in St Johns Chapel

1st January 2025

New Years Day Walk. Join us at St johns Chapel, 10.30 am, for a short walk taking in some of our local history. We end with mulled wine and mince pies.

For more information about the Group and its activities contact John Clachan (01306 887858). To pursue family or local history enquiries or to volunteer your services to help our research programme enquire at