• by


• Tim Way Chairman • Sandra Ede • Ted Wilde • Howard Walden • Andrew Lewis • Hugh Broom • Edwina Gordon • Tim Gowing • Jo Astor • James Friend • Alistair Meldrum • Hazel Watson


• Edwin Harland • David Andrews • Simon Day

MINUTES of the Meeting 15th August 2018.



a. Website. Jo Astor had circulated an email on Oct.1 including a quotation from Andrew Copeland for £720 covering his team dedicating time writing the coding that makes the website work. A further £480 to set up on-line payments. The expenditure for both was approved. b. Litter Pick. This took place on September 8th with 7 volunteers collecting some 17 bags of rubbish. Most roads had been covered.

c. Parking. (Burrell) Tim W reported no further progress other than a third letter from Clarion stating they would be in touch soon.

d. Parking. (Cyclist/Walkers) Tim W reported that Laurence Matthews would be holding discussions with third parties to try to find an out of village parking solution based at the business park on Sheephouse Lane.

e. Speeding and noise through the village. Nothing to report. Some progress would hopefully be made by the end of November.

f. Chairpersons Forum. Tim W reported that the meeting on 12th September had been postponed but that Alan Jonas had subsequently requested an early revised meeting date.

The Hut Development

Tim W reported that the error in the land title deeds necessitating involving the Land Registry had now been resolved.

Andrew Lewis (in his capacity as a Reading Room Trustee) informed the meeting that it was not The Reading Room Trustees role to commit financial resources on drawing up alternative plans for the Village Hall on the Hut site; this was for the Hut Trustees to consider. They were in the process of deciding the future of the Reading Room.

James Friend reminded the committee that the failure to find common ground between The Hut and The Reading Room Trustees had been going on for some time, despite attempts to get both parties to explore different ideas.

Tim W reported that he had discussed with Latchmere, (the developers) ways in which the current delays could be resolved so that a Village Hall/Surgery/parking development plan on the Hut site could be progressed.


Hazel was thanked for her input in having part of the A25 resurfaced through the village.

She was pursuing the Westcott entry sign placement and the refurbishment of the post.


No report.


11/09/2018. Old Beeches, Guildford road. Cut back branches on 3 Copper beeches and remove one Douglas fir.

28/09/2018. Mill house, Rookery Drive, Appeal against refusal by MVDC for erection of single storey side extension to facilitate conversion of barn to 1 dwelling. Tim G was asked to investigate and subsequently passed previous copies of representations to Tim W. who would write to the Appeal case officer.

Europa Oil had now been refused any more applications for drilling on land at Bury Hill Wood, Coldharbour.


Ted Wilde and Tim W confirmed that on reviewing the Constitution, and in the light of the Charity Commission not agreeing the proposed amendments, all members of the Committee were Trustees of the WVA and not the three currently listed. The existing Constitution (registered in 1974) is now clearly out of date and a new one, probably a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Institution), was required.

A working group consisting of Tim W, Hugh Broom and Ted Wilde would draft a new Constitution based on the Charity Commission template, and put this to the committee for approval prior to seeking final approval of the membership. OTHER ASSOCIATION MATTERS. Open Meeting September 4th. Re modest additions to larger rural villages.

Following this meeting Guy Davis had responded to our query regarding sites put forward for development but rejected by the Council. These were Heathcrest, Guildford Road and a further extension of the land behind Westcott House. Tim W added that one other house in Deerleap had recently submitted their land for consideration.


2019 Dates Tim G circulated suggested dates for next year’s meetings. These were subsequently amended on 14th November as follows These are THURSDAY meetings on: • January 10th • February 21st (OPEN meeting 19.30 – 20.30) • March 28th • May 9th (OPEN meeting 19.30 – 20.30) • June 20th • August 1st • September 12th (OPEN meeting 19.30 – 20.30) • AGM October 16th (WEDNESDAY) • October 31st • December 12th (OPEN meeting 19.30 – 20.30) The Pound, Westcott. Tim W had received letters/emails from George Chapman, Wotton Estates and Peter Barker-Mills, MVDC regarding their ideas for refurbishing the Pound. These had been circulated.

Giant Poppies. Tim G would contact MVDC concerning the giant poppies which we would be placing in the village. Tim W, Jo Astor and Hugh Broom agreed to put these up (scheduled for 25/26/27 October). A Village Magazine meeting on November 22nd had been arranged by Hugh Parry. Tim W agreed to attend.

Dorking & District Preservation Society. It was agreed that we would seek to join/rejoin the Society.

AGM October 17.

Tim G had prepared the Agenda for printing and copies were distributed to Street Stewards week commencing September 24th.

Edwina Gordon would be sourcing wine and soft drinks together with nibbles.

It was decided to change the venue from St Johns to the Church anticipating a larger number of attendees this year.

WVA Committee.

Hugh Broom was elected Vice Chairman (in line with the provision in the Constitution).

Retiring members at 2018 AGM: Ted Wilde, Howard Walden, Alistair Meldrum and David Andrews all for documented personal reasons.

Al Barnett and David Webb had stepped down during the year.


November 14th 7.30pm St John’s Chapel

October 17th AGM 7.45pm Holy Trinity Church