Westcott Neighbourhood Development Plan

Updating the Westcott Neighbourhood Development Plan 2026 and beyond

Work has started in November 2024 to review and update the Westcott Neighbourhood Development Plan for 2026 and beyond.  Over 100 residents have so far expressed an interest in taking part in a new Village Forum, who together with three dedicated working groups and a Programme Manager, will review and update the WNDP to set a new positive vision for future development and planning policy within Westcott. This work is expected to take 12 months and the new revised plan will then be put to a formal referendum of all village residents for approval with more than 50% of those voting needing to say “yes” to bring the plan in to force.

The inaugural meeting of the Westcott Neighbourhood Development Plan – Village Forum was held on the 12th November 2024 with over 40 people attending.  A copy of presentation can be viewed by following this link. WNDP Forum – inaugural meeting (12-Nov-2024) – std 

Volunteers were sought for three working groups – Policy Working Group being led by Ian Dunsford, Evidence & Data Working Group being led by Chris Smewing and a Community Engagement & Communications Working Group being led by Jo Astor.  These working groups will report back and present their ideas to the Village Forum for wider discussion and debate.  

If you would like to volunteer to join any of the working groups or the wider Village Forum it is not too late, the more the merrier, please send an email to contact@westcottvillage.com 


The current Westcott Neighbourhood Development Plan 2017 to 2026

The current Westcott Neighbourhood Development Plan (WNDP) covers the planning period 2017 to 2026 and was developed by a group of local volunteers who came together in 2012 to form a Village Forum, the plan was extensively consulted on and formally adopted by Mole Valley District Council following a referendum of all village residents in December 2017, where 91% of those who voted in the referendum said yes they wished MVDC to adopt the plan and take it in to consideration when deciding on planning applications.  The WVA is responsible for maintaining and updating the NDP and monitoring planning applications in the context of the plan.

A copy of the approved Westcott Neighbourhood Development Plan 2017-2026 can be found on the Mole Valley website or by clicking this link Westcott Neighbourhood Development Plan 2017-2026