The Westcott Village Association Role
The WVA monitors all planning applications submitted in Westcott to Mole Valley District and Surrey County Councils and will comment when appropriate in the context of the Westcott Neighbourhood Development Plan and other relevant planning policy. As the WVA is a Residents Association and not a Parish Council it is not a Statutory Consultee on planning applications in Westcott. However, if a planning officer is minded to recommend approval for an application, WVA can make a formal request for a planning application to go to the Development Management Committee for decision making and a process will be followed treating the submission from WVA as if it has come from a Parish Council. If any Westcott resident has specific concerns or wishes to bring a planning matter to the WVA’s attention, they are invited to do so by getting in touch with James Leaver, Planning Representative for WVA by email at Letters written by the WVA to comment, in support or objecting to specific planning applications are listed below.
How to comment on a Planning Application
Here is the advice on Mole Valley District Council’s website
“When supporting or objecting to an application, please remember that only matters relevant to planning can be considered by MVDC. These include the likely effects of the proposal on:
the character of the area
local amenities, including the amenities of neighbours
the environment and countryside
traffic and parking