Opportunities to help out in your local community
To mark His Majesty the King’s Coronation organisations across the country are getting together to give us all a chance to help out in our local communities. The Big Help Out is being officially launched on Monday 8th May 2023 and is a voluntary initiative supported by some of the UK’s biggest volunteer organisations, including the Scouts and the Royal Voluntary Service, as well as the Shaping the Future with Volunteering group of the UK’s volunteer-involving charities. The objective of the Big Help Out is to raise awareness of volunteering opportunities throughout the UK and provide opportunities for people to experience volunteering and make a difference in their communities.
A nationwide database of volunteering opportunities will be available for you search for opportunities in your local area.
In the meantime the WVA have put together this list of opportunities we already know about in and around Westcott and we will continue to update it as awareness builds. If you would like to add an opportunity to the list please send an email to contact@westcottvillage.com with all the details. To get volunteer for the opportunities listed please get in touch with the organisation directly.
Westcott Village Hall – looking for new trustees

The Westcott Village Hall Trust CIO is the charity which runs Westcott Village Hall for the benefit of the community. The charity is governed by up to 12 trustees and they are currently looking for new trustees to join – no specialist skills or experience is necessary but an interest in making the Village Hall a vibrant community asset will obviously help. If you’re interested in helping to shape the future of the Village Hall please email info@westcottvillagehall.com
Westcott Village Association – come and join the committee

The Westcott Village Association has an active committee with various interests and a shared passion to help Westcott be a great place to live and work. We’re always keen to welcome anyone with an interest in helping out either with one off events or who would like to join the committee or even become our new Chair. Please get in touch by email to contact@westcottvillage.com or give any of the current Committee a call for a chat
The Brigitte Trust –looking for volunteers

The Brigitte Trust is a local charity offering a free service of emotional support and practical help for adults and their carers in Surrey facing the challenges of life limiting conditions including cancer, motor neurone disease and multiple sclerosis. Established in 1984 by a Dorking resident Brigitte Watson, the trust now has over 150 fully trained local volunteers. To become a volunteer please get in touch via The Brigitte Trust website https://www.brigittetrust.org/become-a-volunteer/
Westcott Community Garden – looking for volunteers

The Westcott Community Garden is well underway at St Johns and are currently meeting on alternate Saturdays between 12-3pm to get everything ready to become a fully functioning community garden. The idea is to have space for fruit, vegetables and flowers for anyone in the village who would like to come and grow something. The garden is not just about gardening – it is a great place to meet and even if gardening is not your thing do pop along and say hello – every session ends with tea and cake. If you would like more info or are keen to get involved please drop a line to info@greenwestcott.org
Age Concern – Mole Valley – looking for volunteers

Age Concern Mole Valley are looking for volunteers to join their befriender scheme across Mole Valley. The primary goal of a befriender is to form a trusting relationship in order to reduce feelings of loneliness or isolation. The befriender aims to visit the person they are matched with for 1-2 hours each week to provide social contact, share life experiences or engage in activites agreed upon.
Age Concern Mole Valley are also looking for people to join their Board of Trustees.
IT/Digital Support
they are also looking for volunteers to support their IT/Digital Support sessions, providing guidance and support to people over 50 with training on IT/Digital basics such as email, wifi, online shopping, staying safe online, managing social media etc.
To get involved with any of these opportunities please contact Andrea Kelley, Volunteer Co-ordinator by email andrea@ageconcernmolevalley.org.uk or by phone 07821 649683 (working hours Tues, Weds, Thurs 9am-5pm)
Quick Response Memorial Woodland – supporting and assisting ex-service personnel – volunteers needed

The Quick Response Memorial Woodland is a local charity set up by a group of volunteers whose main purpose is to support and raise funds to assist ex-service personnel immediately when they find themselves in difficulty. They raise funds by holding events and through the generous donations of individuals. They also run a memorial woodland in Holmbury St Mary which is lovingly tended to by the Founder and Chair, Paul “The Hat” Cooling and team of volunteers. The woodland is open 24/7 as a garden of reflection, a place where those who have lost loved ones or those suffering from the effects of conflict, can wander or sit and remember, in a natural environment. If you can spare some time to help maintain the woodland or help the team get ready for their special events throughout the year then please get in touch with Debbie Hornblow, Secretary of the charity by email at debbiehornblow@yahoo.co.uk
Dorking Museum & Heritage Centre – volunteers needed

The Dorking Museum & Heritage Centre is a small local museum run entirely by volunteers which tells the story of Dorking and the surrounding areas from Cretaceous times right through to the present day. Each summer the team organises a variety of themed walks through Dorking including tours of the caves in South Street. The Museum are currently looking for Visitor Assistants to meet and greet visitors, answer queries and help make their visit a great one plus an Events Co-ordinator to plan and organise events throughout the year.
Further information can be found on the website https://dorkingmuseum.org.uk/about/volunteer-opportunities/