Surrey Police Mole Valley event

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Surrey Police and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) are teaming up to hold a series of ‘Policing Your Community’ engagement events across the county. This is the chance for local residents to hear and comment on the plan being developed, that will see the additional money raised as part of the policing element of the council tax pay for an extra 100 officers, operational staff and Police Community Support Officers by April 2020

Everyone is invited to attend the event on Wednesday 3rd April at Dorking Halls at 7pm
There will be the opportunity to hear from the Chief Constable about current challenges the Force face and future plans for the service in Surrey while Inspector Coyne will report on policing priorities and issues in Mole Valley. There will also be time for residents to ask questions. 

This is a free event, please click on the button below for further information and to book your free place. 
Click here to book your free place

If you have any access requirements please email or call 01483 630200