Westcott Village Association has written to the Planning Department of Mole Valley District Council to register its objection to the planning applicaiton to convert Indigo Spice / formerly The Cricketers PH in to four dwellings as it contravenes objective 4 of the Westcott Neighbourhood Development Plan which was made by Mole VAlley District Council in December 2017. The planning application and the WVA objection letter can be seen on the Mole Valley website, the application number is MO/2018/1055/PLA. The text of the letter is also copied below;
9th July 2018
Dear Sir/Madam
Re: Planning Application MO/2018/1055
On behalf of the Westcott Village Association we wish to make objections to the above planning application on the following grounds:
The application acknowledges that there is no parking provision and asks that an exception be made in this particular case. Our objections are:
The lack of parking space in Westcott has reached criticallevels, exacerbated, particularly at weekends, by visitors who come to the village for cycling or walking activities. The village NDP is clear that 2 parking spaces should be provided per dwelling which would require space for 8 cars in this particular development. Whilst we agree that the proposed dwellings are attractive in meeting the village need for more affordable and 1/2 bedroom properties, making an exception in this case will set a very dangerous and uncontrollable precedent.
The site is on the turning off the A25 on to Logmore Lane. Cars exit the main road (heading West) onto Logmore Lane at speed and any on-street parking outside these proposed properties would be very hazardous should cars be allowed to park here.
There is no pedestrian walkway on this stretch of the road and parked cars pose a major hazard to pedestrians; any parking outside the development will exacerbate the problem and potentially cause a nuisance to immediate neighbours in Heath Rise. Parking elsewhere in the village is already a very severe problem and would be almost impossible even if home owners were prepared to park their cars away from their front door.
The Village Association would be more sympathetic to this development if the developer were able to find a way to add parking space to the south of the development or behind it.
Yours sincerely,
T E Way On behalf of the Westcott Village Association