WVA Open Meeting and Committee Agenda

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For the meeting of

The Westcott Village Association


Thursday, 21st February 2019


Holy Trinity Church, Westcott at 19.30hours


  1. Proposed new Village Association constitution              Tim Way/Ted Wilde
  2. The Hut Development                                                         Glenn Wylie
  3. Other Village Matters                                                          All

COMMITTEE MEETING (Commencing after the Open Meeting)

  1. Apologies
  2. Minutes of the WVA meeting on 10th January 2019
  3. Matters Arising
    1. Committee Vacancies – proposed candidates
      1. Gavin Musgrave
      2. Catherine Stevens
    1. Parking Restrictions – Westcott Street
    1. Web site
    1. Dovecote and Bus stop re-thatching
  4. Revised Constitution
    1. To discuss next steps following consultation
  5. Proposed Village Survey (Deferred from last meeting)
  6. Street Stewards
  7. Highways and Countryside Protection
  8. Finance
  9. Planning Applications
  10. Other Association Matters
    1. Sponsorship request
  11. Any Other Business
  12. Next meeting – 28 March 2019